Teleporting to Players

<aside> 🌐 Teleporting to other users on SakuraMC consists of a few commands, these are all pretty self explanatory and are explained below…


To teleport to a player you must stand still and use /tpa <name> /tpa stands for teleport-ask which essentially sends the user a request to teleport to them.

To cancel your teleport request you run /tpacancel. If a player accepts your request after you have canceled it, you won’t be teleported away.

The other user must then use /tpaccept or /tpyes, this will then accept the request and begin a countdown to teleport you there. But If you want to deny the teleport request player sent you, simply use /tpadeny instead.

<aside> ✈️ You can also teleport users to yourself by using /tpahere <name>, the other user must accept it the way explained above


How to Disable Teleport Requests

You can also disable teleport requests by using /tptoggle, This will stop ALL incoming requests from reaching you. By running the command you will toggle the request either on or off.